Lent 2 (B) + The long view + 2.28.21

M. Campbell-Langdell All Santos, Oxnard ( Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16 ; Psalm 22:22-30 ; Romans 4:13-25 ; Mark 8:31-38 ) At Genesis’ school’s elementary section this past week, the kids celebrated one hundred days of school by asking themselves what they would be doing when they were one hundred years old. One child said that when she is one hundred, she wants to teach- hopefully she can do so much before then! And another child replied with wisdom beyond his years- “I will be retired!” I thought of this exercise in taking the very long view fit pretty well with our first scripture this week. Abram was ninety-nine years old when God changed his name and changed his life, giving him a family. This struck me as sort of poignant in light of our current situation as this week we remember Haydee Sarti, someone who seemed so vibrant and still in the prime of life until she got so sick and eventually died from her maladies. In many ways we felt like Haydee had some good years ahead of...