Sabbatical Journal 3 - A meditative walk - Una caminata meditativa

I went on a morning walk, before it gets hot here on Maui, and my goal was to enter a meditative state. Not to walk quickly, but in tune with the earth. I smelled the scent of flowers in the air and greeted those who walked past. Many were in a hurry, rushing to get their morning workout in. But I went slow. I prayed for the many workers already out helping this place be paradise for others. As I walked, I held a Hau Flower, a symbol of impermanence. In the morning it is bright yellow but when it falls off the plant at day's end it is a deep orange, like the one I held. All this beauty is passing. Let us give thanks to God for it. Many folks on my same path were headed to a resort. I was not. I was headed to a burial ground. I go there just about every trip because this is a way of connecting with old Hawaii, and of giving thanks for those who have gone before. When I was very young they were building this hotel and the workers gave a luau. I was invited up to the party. My mo...