Palm / Passion 2021 + (St Mark 11:1–11) + 3.28.21

M Campbell-Langdell All Santos Oxnard Ride on King Jesus! In today’s readings we have Jesus riding into Jerusalem on a colt, with palms strewn on his way and the Hosannas sailing up to the sky. Praises to our Lord. The people were desperate. And here came a Savior. Desperate like some of us after a year of pandemic, even as we look hopefully toward the end of this moment, we are still hanging on some of us by the skin of our teeth. And what greets us, but more violence? And what greeted Jesus, but more violence? The shouts of the crowd turned from praises and requests for assistance to “Crucify him!” Because it is important to remember that Hosanna isn’t just a word of praise, it is also a request for help. As Steve Garnaas-Holmes, a retired United Methodist Pastor and creation-focused writer, says: “Hosanna” doesn’t mean “Hooray!” It means “Save us!” It’s not a cry of triumph, It’s a plea of desperation. Of course, aimed at a leader who can protect us, It be...