Trinity + Worthy + 5.26.24

M. Campbell-Langdell All Santos, Oxnard (Isaiah 6:1–8; Ps. 29; Romans 8:12–17; John 3:1–17) Happy Trinity Sunday! This is a Sunday that many preachers fear because they may feel they have to try to explain the triune nature of God. As you can imagine, that can go badly! There is a rather funny video online of St Patrick trying to explain the Trinity to Irish farmers, and one says – that’s modalism or Arianism or another heresy. This silly video helps explain why it is so hard to make a good analogy for God (“St Patrick’s Bad Analogies,” YouTube: Lutheran Satire). But for all the complications of this day and trying to say something faithful and true about our triune God, it is a joy. Because it reminds us of the bigness of God. It reminds us that God cannot be contained. As our Psalm today says, “The voice of the Lord is upon the waters; the God of glory thunders; * the Lord is upon the mighty waters.” God cannot, will not, be contained. G...